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CCTV Inspections

CCTV Inspections of all types of piping systems including, storm sewers, CB leads, sanitary sewers, house service lines and watermains. Our Operators are NAPPI and NASSCO PACP certifiied.


Smoke Testing

Smoke testing is the most efficient and cost effective way to locate and identify where unauthorized water is entering the public portion of the sewer system.  If smoke emerges from storm drains or rises from lawns, sidewalks, or the street, during the smoke testing process this indicates a problem, such as a cracked pipe, damaged manhole, or connection with a storm drain, etc. Smoke testing is becoming a requirement for locating unauthorized water problems that are threatening the ability to properly treat wastewater and costing wastewater treatment facilities millions of dollars. 


Flushing and Cleaning

High pressure cleaning and vacuuming of wastewater collection systems, storm water drainage systems, lift stations, manhole and catch basins.  The flushing and cleaning process will remove debris, roots, calcite, concrete and foreign objects.



Provide condition assessment and trenchless rehabilitation repair method best suited for each deficiency.

Chemical Grouting

Offering the most economical solution for preventing infiltration and inflow into sewer systems, chemical grouting can be used to seal any pipe, manhole or lateral service that is still structurally sound.


Spot Repairs

Link pipe ~ installation of a stainless steel expandable sleeve used for trenchless structural spot repair of underground sewer pipes.  Repairs cracks, fractures, broken pipes, joints-cracked, joints-offset, joints-separated and replacement of missing pipes.


CIPP Liners ~ A cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) is one of several trenchless rehabilitation methods used to repair existing pipelines. CIPP is a jointless, seamless, pipe-within-a-pipe.  CIPP can effectively reduce infiltration and leaks in pipeline systems without digging.



Manhole Rehabilitation

Manholes become increasingly in need of repair and since it is much less expensive to rehab manholes than to excavate and replace them, it can be expected that manhole rehabilitation will continue to be a growing segment of the trenchless sector.

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